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Support Services for
Physicians and their Families

Resources in Manitoba

Physician-Specific Resources

Need Help Now?

Physician and Family Support Program

About: This comprehensive, confidential program provides a range of supports, including short-term psychological counselling with masters-prepared counsellors and psychologists, as well as a range of other services such as advice on financial and legal issues, nutrition counselling, life coaching, and research concierge services to help you with personal and professional issues. 

It is available 24/7 and at no cost with access to over 200 languages. Calls are answered by a nurse and there are counsellor options including language, gender, race/​ethnicity and Indigenous health perspectives. 

The program is supported by Doctors Manitoba and is provided at no charge to students, practicing and retired physicians, their dependents, and anyone living in their household.

Contact Information: 1-844−433−3762 (433-DRMB) | Online Support: Company ID: DRMBHealth 
Availability: 24/7

Physicians At Risk (PAR) Program

About: Supported by Doctors Manitoba, PAR helps physicians, medical learners, their spouses and adult children who are struggling with social, relationship, financial, behavioural, or substance use issues. 

PAR offers confidential, appointment-based individual, couple and group counselling delivered by a registered psychiatric nurse to medical learners, residents, physicians, and their adult children at no charge. 

Physician peer support is provided to individuals and groups by a physician with lived experience for Doctors Manitoba members.  

In addition to its confidential self-referral intake phone line, PAR receives referrals from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba to support physicians.

Contact Information: 1-204-237-8320

Availability: Call 1-204-237-8320 to access


About: Supported by Doctors Manitoba, MD Care is a confidential, comprehensive clinic that provides practicing physicians, physician spouses or common-law partners, and dependent children (18 years and under) with a full range of adult and child/adolescent psychiatric services, as well as adult psychological services at no charge. 

MDCare is staffed by a multidisciplinary team, trained in the following disciplines: psychiatry, psychology, psychiatric nursing, and marriage and family therapy.

Contact Information: 1-204-480-1310

Availability: Call 1-204-480-1310 to access

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba Physician Health Program

About: Provides safe, confidential, and non-punitive support to physicians, residents, medical students, physician assistants, and clinical assistants.

Contact Information: To self-report call 1-204-774-4344 ext. 205 |

Availability: Call or email to access

Professional Association of Residents and Interns of Manitoba (PARIM) Health & Wellness Services for Residents

About: Provides a list of health and wellness services available for residents.

Contact Information: Visit here

Availability: Visit here to access

Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority

Employee Assistance Program

About: Provides confidential, 24/7 program to provide short-term counselling for employees and their families. Services including counselling related to any concerns related to marital/relationship, family/parenting, addictions, emotions or behavioral, anxiety and depression, occupational stress/adjustment, etc.
Contact Information: 1-800-590-5553
Availability: 24/7

Northern Health Region

Employee Assistance Program

About: Provides confidential, 24/7 program to provide short-term counselling for employees and their families. Services including counselling related to any concerns related to marital/relationship, family/parenting, addictions, emotions or behavioral, anxiety and depression, occupational stress/adjustment, etc.
Contact Information: 1-800-590-5553
Availability: 24/7

Southern Health-Santé Sud Regional Health Authority

Employee Assistance Program

About: Provides confidential, 24/7 program to counselling for employees and their families. Services including counselling related to any concerns related to marital/relationship, family/parenting, addictions, emotions or behavioral, anxiety and depression, occupational stress/adjustment, etc.
Contact Information: 1-800-590-5553
Availability: 24/7

University of Manitoba Max Rady College of Medicine

Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP)

About: Provides 24/7, confidential support for faculty and staff in addition to their families.
Contact Information: Login to UM Intranet
Availability: 24/7

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

About: The Rady Faculty of Health Sciences is committed to create an inclusive community for all. They promote and support a community that embraces equity, diversity, and inclusion; provides for equality of opportunity; and recognizes the dignity of all people.
Contact Information: 1-204-789-3240 | RADYEDI@umanitoba.caReport an incident
Availability: Email or call for assistance 

Family Centre

About: Provides tools and resources to support students, faculty, and staff to navigate major life changes such as taking a parental leave or returning to work.
Contact Information:
Availability: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm CT (Mon – Wed)

Student Affairs

About: Provides confidential resources for students to explore strategies for academic, emotional, and personal success.

Staff at the Student Affairs office are dedicated to both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education and work on the students’ behalf with all levels of medical program administrators, deans, faculty, and the various departments in the Max Rady College of Medicine.
Contact Information:  Undergraduate Medical Education| Postgraduate Medical Education

Availability: Email to access

Student Counselling Centre (SCC)

About: Provides free, confidential counselling and mental health support to the University of Manitoba students. Services include individual counselling services, counselling workshops and groups, support resources, and learning disability assessment services.
Contact Information: Fort Garry Campus 1-204-474-8592 | Bannatyne Campus 1-204-272-3190 | Visit SCC at 474 UMSU University Centre or the Student Services at Bannatyne Campus

Availability: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm CT (Mon – Fri)

Student Services at Bannatyne Campus

About: Provides free, confidential support and referrals for students and residents in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.
Contact Information: 1-204-272-3190 |

Availability: By appointment

Other resources offered include:

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Employee Assistance Program

About: Provides confidential, 24/7 support to employees including their spouses and dependent children. Services include counselling related to any concerns about marital/relationship, family/parenting, addictions, emotions or behavioral, anxiety and depression, occupational stress/adjustment, etc.
Contact Information: 1-800-590-5553
Availability: 24/7

Community-Based Resources

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) – Central Region

About: Provides services to community members in southern Manitoba such as free mental health referral services and systems navigation, self-help resources, occupational services and training, stress management, crisis counselling, and suicide prevention.
Contact Information: 1-204-239-6590 |

Availability: Call or email to access

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) – Manitoba and Winnipeg

About: Provides support and resources for people with mental health illnesses and challenges. CMHA recognizes the negative impact of stigmas and offers community and workplace education workshops, mental health promotion initiatives, and stigma awareness programs.
Contact Information: 1-204-982-6100 |

Availability: Call to access

Klinic Crisis Line

About: Provides free, confidential counselling, support, and referrals for individuals who are in crisis, struggling to cope, and have suicidal thoughts.
Contact Information: 1-204-786-8686 | 1-888-322-3019

Availability: 24/7

Manitoba Suicide Prevention & Support Line

About: Provides support to individuals who are struggling with suicidal thoughts or feelings, concerned about a friend, family, or co-worker, or impacted by a suicide loss or suicide attempt.
Contact Information: 1-877-HELP170 (1-877-435-7170)

Availability: 24/7

Manitoba Farm, Rural & Northern Support Services

About: Provides free, confidential, and non-judgemental counselling for individuals living on a Manitoba farm, or in a rural or Northern community.
Contact Information: 1-866-367-3276

Availability: 10:00 am – 9:00 pm CT (Mon – Fri)

Sexual Assault Crisis Line

About: Provides support to anyone 12 and up who have experienced sexual assault.

Contact Information: 1-204-786-8631| 1-888-292-7565

Availability: 24/7

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